Feb 14, 2008

Land Use Notices: 22nd & Union; 23rd & Madison

From the DPD Land Use notices for 2/14/08:

Design Review Hearing for 2203 E. Union Street - Jim Mueller's big proposed project at 23rd & Union.

The proposal is for a six-story structure with a 91 residential units and 4,232 sq. ft. of commercial space at ground level. Parking for 95 vehicles to be provided below grade. Project includes a contract rezone from Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 40 ft. height limit and pedestrian designation (NC2P-40) to Neighborhood Commercial 3 with a 65 ft. height limit and pedestrian designation (NC3P-65').


Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Seattle Central Community College
1701 Broadway

Room 3211

Here's assorted information about the project.


2331 E. Madison Street: application to subdivide a parcel.

Land Use Application to subdivide one parcel into three parcels of land. Proposed parcel sizes are: A) 1,721 sq. ft., B) 671 sq. ft. and C) 1,172 sq. ft.

No hints of any proposed buildings on the site yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the community should be in favor of additional housing with some storefronts at 23rd and Union. This will improve the character of the street by bringing in gainfully employed, law-abiding, tax-paying residents who will alter the balance and add new business opportunities for existing enterprises. The law-breaking visitors to 23rd & Union do not reflect the actual community in the neighborhood surrounding. We do not want to see more murders, drug trade, garbage, graffiti, and generally demoralizing chaos there. Let's support this project and welcome the 100+ new residents all the sooner.