Jul 28, 2008

Tiny development at 19th & Madison

Some years ago there used to be a little fruit stand at 19th & Madison (SW Corner, Sunshine Produce?). The developers of the adjacent Hearing. Speech & Deafness Center project tried very hard to buy it out, but the owners weren't selling, so the project got built without that little corner. Fruit stand closed and was demolished, leaving a little awkward triangle that I thought would never get developed.

Last week the DPD Bulletin had a notice about dividing the property into 4 parcels. It seemed so small that I was convinced it was a mistake and ignored it. CD News noted it yesterday. Subsequent poking around revealed:

  • DPD Notice: Future construction of new commercial (eating est.) w/ live work, prior subdivsion to create 3 lots. Possible Short plat.
  • Pictures on the Pb Elemental website of a an "East Madison Live/Work" proposal that surely has to be the project. (thanks to CD News member Kevin. Yes Pb Elemental does have a staff member named Kevin, but it's a common name, though Kevin did join CD News on Friday). The site notes: This mixed use project includes 3 live/work units and 2 commercial spaces on a difficult corner lot between Capitol Hill and Madrona neighborhoods in Seattle
So there you have it. Looks like an architectural firm that's doing a lot in our area is planning a joint commercial and live/work development on that tiny little triangle on Madison. Yes, there does seem confusion as to whether it will be 3, 4 or 5 properties!

(Duly added to Madison redevelopment map).

And (as a follow-up) here's a P-I article about Pb Elemental's architectural style (with many astute comments).

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