Madison Street: Information Meeting, Surveys
- Jim Mueller's "Twilight Exit" project on Madison has been approved.
- Jim is having an information meeting about his "Deano's" project on Thursday December 11th from 6:30 PM till 8 in multipurpose room 2 at Miller Community Center. A new rendering of the project will be available at the meeting. There will be food.
- (and when we're done with the Deano's meeting, the Stranger's blog (The Slog) will be hosting a Happy Hour / gift exchange in the [soon to close/move] Twilight Exit on Madison)
- As part of my Madison Street revitalization survey this Summer [parking sumary here], I asked for your suggestions for stores we'd like to see on Madison Street. You can look at all the answers, or you might be content with this summary of the 207 suggestions from the 53 people who kindly answered the survey:

I have now prepared a NEW survey for you, to let you all rank the above suggestions for businesses on Madison. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey, and I'll pass the results on to Jim Mueller and the othe developers of Madison Street property. Survey closes after December 16th. Many thanks.
(apologies if you tried to take the survey before I fixed my error, at about 11:55 PM Monday. Please try again)
Is this REALLY still happening? He actually has financing lined up?
Jim shows every sign of going ahead with both the Twilight and the Deano's projects. He's clearly putting money into the projects: you're not going to get that back by selling the site & permits right now.
He's pretty open about most things: you'd better come along and ask him!
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