Jun 5, 2007

Fire Station 6 Relocation Meeting

The lovely Art Deco Fire Station on 23rd at Yesler (already an official Central Area landmark) is being replaced as part of the 2003 Fire Levy.

See meeting details below if you're interested in the possible relocation sites (and ask them for me what they're planning to do with the lovely old building: the one on 15th made a lovely video store!). Click on notice below for a more readable version.

Addendum (from Christina Faine, Fire Levy Communications Officer)

Yes, the existing structure has been designated as a landmark to
protect its historic character. Once the new station is built, the
current building will no longer serve as a fire station. The City
intends to sell the property and return the proceeds to the levy

1 comment:

John said...

Word is that new station will be at MLK & Jackson. -- John