Jan 1, 2009

2009: Year of the House

When we bought our house in 1983, we idly wondered why the previous owners had painted such a huge "2009" on the porch pillar. After the first visitor got lost finding us, due to Thomas turning into John at 20th (and another bit of John dead-ending a block south), we soon realized their wisdom, and silently thanked them for their cardboard templates when we repainted the house. Further investigations revealed the additional Seattle geo-quirk of the stretch of 20th Avenue next to our house being the 200 block on the west side and the 100 block on the east side.

Fast-forward 25 years: I'd have totally overlooked the connection between our house number and the New Year, had it not been for the clever conversational gambit of a young Morman missionary who visited us one recent snowy evening.

Thank you, Seattle City street-planners and the Church of Latter Day Saints, for making this unique commemoration of the New Year possible!


Unknown said...

Love when you can appreciate small things like this - Happy 2009!

Unknown said...

I love seeing such familiar sights, I walk by your house constantly.