Dec 22, 2009

Department of Neighborhoods Survey

I recently received an email from Stella Chao, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ director, asking me to complete a survey. I pass this onto you.

By answering these questions about your experiences with the department, you will help them understand what you value most, and increase their positive impact on our shared community.

To participate, please click here:

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers and your responses are completely anonymous so please be candid.


Dec 10, 2009

Miller holiday party reminder (for guests and volunteers)

1) The holiday party for disadvantaged families will be on Saturday, 10 - 2 PM at Miller Community Center. Go here for details and go here to volunteer for the event.

2) An article in Thursday's Seattle Times notes the dwindling supplies of toys for tots, and reports that one neighboring community center (Yesler) will  not be distributing toys this year. This could result in even larger crowds at Miller than last year, and an even greater need for your volunteer efforts.

The article notes this unfortunate reality of such holiday parties, but puts it in the right perspective:
Brown said he was never aware of anyone who abused the program. But he has encountered individuals that bounce from church to agency to organization, gathering all the holiday freebies they can.

"You have those people," he said, "but then you have the people who are really struggling, and that's who we're trying to help."

Dec 2, 2009

Care to volunteer at the December 12th Miller Community Center Holiday Party?

(Click here to volunteer right now, or read on for details)

The Miller Community Center and The Country Doctor's Holiday Party (for the clinic's patient families and other underprivileged Seattleites) is Saturday, December 12th from 10 AM to 2 PM.

This year we are expecting an attendance of about 1,200 people of many ethnic backgrounds. We have many activities for kids including  a visit (with pictures) with Santa, games, two bouncy toys, cookie decorating, arts & crafts, and of course Christmas presents. Click here for a slide show from a couple of years ago, to get an idea of what goes on.

From Miller Holiday Party 12/15/07
Lake Street Catering is again providing a free lunch for families and volunteers.

To volunteer to help at this wonderful event, please go to this Surveymonkey survey, where you can leave contact details, and choose when and what you'd like to do to help. Many thanks,

Andrew Taylor, on behalf of the Miller Community Center Advisory Council.

For any questions, please email Community Center Director or call  the Community Center 206-684-4753.

Dec 1, 2009

Nova School Craft Fair: Tuesday Dec. 8

Nova Craft Fair
Tuesday, Dec 8, 6-8:30p
Onsite at Nova- 300 20th Ave E

(Nova is an alternative high school which was relocated from the Horace Mann building near Garfield to the Meany School building this Fall. Entrance is on the west side of the school, NOT the main Meany entrance on 21st).

Admission is free, donations of non-perishable foods welcome.

WHAT: An "open house" style Craft Fair featuring make-and-take projects and ready-made crafts and arts shared by the Nova community. Crafts for all ages and interests starting at $1. Nothing over $10!  Cider and treats too!

 Nova community, family, friends, neighbors...

 A fun celebration of community skills and inspiration to benefit the Nova Family Support program.

Or check their E-vite.