Apr 3, 2007

Offical Neighborhood motto revealed

Life in our neighborhood remains "stranger than fiction". Deano's Grocery Store is a prime example. The store's window has in the past been observed to be decorated with a post-it note offering the services of a (presumably) nearby woman, and still advertises the interestingly named "Pimpjuice" energy drink.

Recently I noticed this carefully printed, meticulously applied sign displayed on the window. It's a quote attributed to the existential German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." Yes, we have a mini-mart with existential leanings.

It confirms, yet again, my belief that our official neighborhood motto should be:

"You couldn't make this stuff up"

Need further proof? Consider the following. For about a year now, we've been helped in our efforts by Lt. William Edwards of the Narcotics Division. He always appeared in plain clothes, presumably due to the nature of his work. We were therefore surprised when he turned up at the March 17th MaDCAP street cleanup in a Police Uniform!

We were even more surprised when a passer by proceeded to sell some crack right next to him. Yep, sold crack next to a Police Officer in uniform!

Say after me: "You couldn't..............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wondering if the Nietzsche quote is related to recent doorbelling by the ever-annoying, semi-lobotomized Larouche Youth Movement who were advertising for Amelia Boynton Robinson speaking at Miller CC a week or two ago.

You can't make this stuff up.