Mar 25, 2007

Local Bike Maintenance

Spring's here: want to get your bike fixed?

1) If you take your bike to Garfield Community Center on Sundays between 2 and 5 PM, the friendly people from The Bikery will instruct you in how to fix it yourself, using their comprehensive set of tools. All for the princely sum of: nothing! Most bike work is fun and straightforward: go and give it a try. More details on their Myspace page, with notes on other places where you can find them AND buy parts.

2) If you need some parts for your bike, or if you want someone else to work on it, you could try: 2020 Cycle, at 2020 E. Union (206) 568-3090. Hours: 12 - 6, Wed - Sat, 12 - 4 Sun.

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