Jan 31, 2007

Mon Feb 5, 6:30 PM, District Council Meeting

Below is the notice and agenda for the East District Neighborhood
Council scheduled for February 5, 2007 starting at 6:30 PM.
This is the first meeting of the year and we have been invited by the
new Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce to hold the meeting at their new
office located at 903 East John Street, just off Broadway and next door
to the "Twice Sold Tales Bookstore".

Amani Ellen Loufty, Acting Director of the Capitol Hill Chamber of
Commerce, graciously agreed to host our first meeting of 2007.
In addition, we have Councilmember David Della, Chair of the Parks,
Education, Libraries and Labor Committee as our special guest.

Thank you for your considerations and we hope to see you there.

City of Seattle/Department of Neighborhoods
Jose Cervantes, Neighborhood District Coordinator
(206) 684-4574

East Neighborhoods District Council
(Madison Park/Yesler Terrace/First Hill/Capitol Hill)

Notice & Agenda

Date: Monday, February 5, 2007
Time: 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Location: Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce
903 East John Street
(In the heart of the Broadway business district)

This meeting will be hosted by the new Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce, Acting Director, Amani Ellen Loufty.
And invited guest Councilmember David Della, Chair of Parks, Education, Libraries and Labor Committee.

• Introductions- 6:30 PM
• Councilmember David Della:
(Update on his work at the City Council following by a question and answer period from the public).
• Neighborhood Updates:
• City's programs for 2007-Updates:
• Adjourn- 8:00 PM
(Approximately 15 to 20 minutes per item)

Executive Board of the East Neighborhoods District Council.

-Chairperson, Paul Stoms, (Madison Park).
-Janis Maloney, CNC representative, (Madison Park).
-Andrew Taylor, alternate to the CNC, (Miller Park).
-Kristin O'Donnell, Citywide Review Team Representative, (Yesler Terrace).

For more information please call the Capitol Hill Neighborhood Service Center at (206) 684-4574

Jan 29, 2007

Public Meeting - Renewal of Millennium Cable Company Contract 1/30/07

(ALL the details)

The Citizen's Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB), in cooperation with the Department of Information Technology (DoIT), will conduct a public meeting regarding the services provided by Millennium Digital Media, one of two cable service providers in Seattle. Millennium¹s cable franchise agreement is up for renewal in March of 2008. The purpose of the hearing is to take public testimony from residents in the community regarding issues related to Millennium¹s provision of cable services in Seattle. Public comments received during the meeting will assist DoIT in developing priorities for franchise negotiations.

The public meeting will be held at the Yesler Community Center located at
917 E Yesler Way in Seattle's Central Area on Tuesday, January 30, 2007, beginning at 5:30 PM. and will end after all public comments have been heard. If you wish to testify, you may sign up in-person outside the meeting room beginning at 5:00 p.m. Questions regarding the public meeting should be directed to Janet Jensen by calling 206-386-0031 or via e-mail at janet.jensen@seattle.gov. Written comments may be submitted to Janet Jensen or by filling out a comment form on-line at http://www.seattle.gov/cable/comments.htm. All comments received prior to the City Council passing an ordinance granting a renewed franchise will be reviewed and considered.

Jan 26, 2007

More info on Sat. Jan 27 workshop

Please attend the free workshop on community building (flier available) that will be held at City Hall this Saturday, Jan. 27 from 9 a.m. to noon. It is organized by volunteers of the City's district councils, which are official advisory bodies to the City. The purpose of the event is to reach out to citizen volunteers, especially those who are new to community organizing, and who want ideas and tools to get involved and improve their neighborhoods. The workshop will begin shortly after 9 a.m. with short remarks by Stella Chao (newly nominated director of the Department of Neighborhoods), Pamela Green (the Mayor's new community liaison), and City Councilmember Sally Clark (chair of the neighborhoods committee).

A key part of the workshop (starting at 9:45) is a series of short talks by distinguished volunteers from throughout the City on the followng topics: mobilizing to meet a community's needs; raising money; finding and motivating volunteers;and outreach and publicity. The speakers are Ron Boddie (co-chair of the Central District Council), Carol Burton (Heron Habitat Helpers), Coco Sherman (Laurelhurst Elementary School PTA), Cindi Barker (Morgan Community Association); Kathy Nyland (Georgetown Merchants Association); and Matt Fox (University District Community Council). The rest of the event will be devoted to working groups for mutual aid and information among the volunteers, with final reports from each working group presented to the assembly.

There is no charge for the workshop. Free transit passes are provided for the first 50 attendees. The event will be broadcast later on Seattle Channel 21, and there will also be a booklet based on what is said, so please come with your questions and ideas! And whether or not you can come, please share this information with others who you think would like to come.

Chris Leman (206) 322-5463
Chair, City Neighborhood Council

Jan 24, 2007

MPNA blog awaits you

Justin Carder runs a wonderful blog about all things Capitol Hill

He has recently persuaded me to post all the Miller listserv E-mails
on a blog, and even set up a blog for me to so do. The MILLER blog is at:


(Here's his view of how it came to be. )

You might find the blog a useful way to keep track of what's happening
in the area. I suspect I'll find it useful to distribute messages with
pictures and links: rather hard with the listserv system. It also lets
you comment on posts (and lets everyone read your comments). It will
also be an easy way for you to refer others to our doings.

Basically I've been in blog denial for a while. Thank You Justin for
giving me a kick in the right direction. It'll be a learning experience
for me.

Andrew Taylor

PS: it'll take me a while to figure out how to use the blog well. Don't
miss Justin's blog ( http://capitolhillseattle.blogspot.com/ ): an excellent example of the useful things that can be done with a blog.

Jan 23, 2007

Saturday Jan. 27 Community Workshop reminder

COMMUNITY BUILDING for Seattle's Neighbors

A workshop on how to make a difference in your neighborhood and beyond

Date: Saturday, January 27, 2007
Time: 9 a.m. - Noon
Place: City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room
600 Fourth Avenue

Keynote Speaker: Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark,
Chair, Economic Development and Neighborhoods Committee

Join neighbors to learn how you can get involved in your community and make a difference.
Learn from others who have had success:

  • Mobilizing others on important issues,
  • Raising money and generating in-kind contributions,
  • Finding and motivating volunteers, and on
  • Outreach and publicity.

( a flyer, with full details, is available)

Jan 21, 2007

Great idea for Neighborhood Appreciation Day

(this great idea was submitted by good friend and blockwatch coordinator, Sonja Richter <Sonja.Richter@Seattle.Gov> )

The 13th Annual Neighborhood Appreciation Day is coming up soon, I think 2/10/07. I have long wanted to find a way to thank and recognize the unsung neighborhood helpers, namely the mailmen and women and the recycling and garbage pick up workers. As the City provides the greeting cards for Neighborhood Appreciation Day free of charge, why not encourage people in the community to give a card of appreciation to these people who quietly and anonymously carry out needed, no, essential, services in every neighborhood of Seattle?

The cards are available at the Neighborhood Community Centers. Nearest ones to us are the Central Area Center at 23rd & Jackson, and the Capitol Hill Center (upstairs in the Capitol Hill Library, center phone: 684-4574) Of course people could also just make their own note of appreciation if they prefer.

Sonja Richter

(City website, just updated for 2007, about the event is at:

http://tinyurl.com/3bfx8b )

Jan 25 Crime Prevention Coalition Meeting

(these meetings are always a good chance to have one-on-one chats with SPD Officers: Andrew)

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition In Collaboration with Seattle Weed & Seed - Central Site

Thursday – January 25, 2007

Seattle Vocational Institute

(2120 S Jackson St.)

Room 401

6:30 - 8:00pm

Welcome and Introductions

Stephanie Tschida, Chair - EPCPC, 6:30 - 6:35

Gun Control Levy, 6:35 - 6:55

Bob Scales, Office of Policy & Management

Casa Latina (Questions & Answers), 6:55 - 7:15 Hillary Stern Yvonne Sanchez

Call for Exec. Committee Nominations, 7:15 - 7:20 (Stephanie Tschida)

Community Concerns, State of the Neighborhood, 7:20 - 7:45

Precinct Update - 7:45 – 7:55

  • Enforcement Updates – Captain Landy Black & Lt. John Hayes
  • SPD Crime Prevention/Emergency Preparedness – Sonja Richter
  • 2007 Work plan/Weed &Seed final report Denise Harnly
  • Additional Govt. Agencies Represented - City Attorney, DOC, WSCLB etc.

Announcements 7:55 – 8:00

NEXT EPCPC General Meeting:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Veronica Pugh, Program Coordinator - Contact Person (206) 322-9330/323-9666

Email: veronica@sngi.org - Wcbsite: www.sngi.org